Arduino 101
Introduction to Microprocessors

Nick Borko

September 21, 2013

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  • Introduction
  • What is a microprocessor?
  • What's so great about the Arduino?
    • History of the Arduino
    • Overview of the Arduino hardware
    • Overview of the Arduino IDE
    • Overview of Arduino programming
  • Hands on: Oooh, Blinky!

What is a Microprocessor?

There are 5 basic functions units of a computer system:

  • Control Unit (CU)
  • Arithmetic-Logical-Unit (ALU)
  • Memory (ROM, RAM, Registers)
  • Input
  • Output

What is a Microprocessor?

Block diagram of a computer

What is a Microprocessor?

  • The classical definition of a microprocessor is the combination of the Control Unit, Arithmetical-Logical-Unit and Registers in a single package, a.k.a. CPU
  • Modern microprocessors also integrate input and output ports and on-chip memory (cache, EEPROM, flash, RAM)
  • The Arduino is controlled by a microprocessor called the AVR

General Microprocessor
Architecture (8080, 6502)

Diagram of a classic CPU architecture

Atmel AVR Architecture

© Atmel Corporation
Diagram of Atmel AVR architecture

What's so great about the Arduino?

Arduino isn't just hardware, it's a complete development environment:

  • An open-source electronics prototyping platform based on inexpensive hardware
  • A free, easy to use software integrated development environment (IDE)
  • A familiar programming language based on Processing and C/C++
  • An active, diverse, inclusive development community

History of the Arduino

  • Developed by Massimo Banzi and David Cuartielles at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy in 2005
    • Designed to be an inexpensive prototyping system for student interactive design projects
    • Built upon the Wiring Platform, by Hernando Barragán, based on the AVR and Processing
  • See the full length documentary video at

Arduino Hardware Overview

  • Based on the Atmel Atmega168/328[P], an 8-bit AVR running on 5V at 16MHz
  • Programmed with a bootloader to bootstrap loading programs from USB
  • Microprocessor pins are broken out to headers in a standard configuration
  • Additional "shield" boards can be "stacked" on the headers for extended functionality

Arduino UNO R3 (~$30)

Picture of the Arduino Uno R3 highlighting different components

Arduino IDE Overview

  • The Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is all you need to develop programs for the Arduino
  • Written in Java, based on the Wiring IDE
  • Runs on Windows, OSX and Linux
  • Automates the entire AVR development toolchain: editor, compiler/linker (avrgcc), uploader (avrdude), terminal emulator, and more

Arduino IDE (1.0.5)

Screenshot of the Arduino IDE

Arduino Programming Overview

  • The Arduino programming language is actually C++, written on top of the Arduino Core
  • A programmer doesn't have to know how to write C++ programs, only the conventions for writing Arduino programs
  • The Arduino IDE takes care of compiling, linking and uploading the program, so you don't have to know how to use any of those tools

What is the Arduino Core?

  • The Arduino Core provides the main entry function, data types, and high level functions to program the AVR
  • It is a library that abstracts low level microprocessor programming concepts into high level function calls
  • It is based on Processing, a language designed to teach programming in a visual context to non-programmers

What is the Arduino Core?

  • The Arduino Core assigns a set of standard numbers to the generic I/O pins of the microprocessor for use in programs
  • The Arduino Core is automatically included in and linked to your Arduino programs
  • You can extend the Arduino Core with regular C and C++ libraries

What is the Arduino Core?

A basic AVR program to blink a LED (in C):
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

int main(void) {
  //Setup the clock
  cli();               //Disable global interrupts
  TCCR1B |= 1<<CS11 | 1<<CS10; //Divide by 64
  OCR1A = 15624;       //Count 15624 cycles for 1 second interrupt
  TCCR1B |= 1<<WGM12;  //Put Timer/Counter1 in CTC mode
  TIMSK1 |= 1<<OCIE1A; //enable timer compare interrupt
  sei();               //Enable global interrupts

  DDRD |= (1<<0);      //Set PortD Pin0 as an output
  PORTD |= (1<<0);     //Set PortD Pin0 high to turn on LED

  while(1) { }         //Loop forever, interrupts do the rest

//Interrupt Service Routine
  PORTD ^= (1<<0);     //Use xor to toggle the LED

What is the Arduino Core?

A basic Arduino program to blink a LED:
void setup() {
  // initialize the digital pin as an output.
  // Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards:
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // set the LED on
  delay(1000);            // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);  // set the LED off
  delay(1000);            // wait for a second

Advantages of the Arduino Core

  • You don't have to write boilerplate code usually required for microprocessor programming
  • Interaction with microprocessor functions is done through high level function calls rather than looking up bits to set in registers from a data sheet
  • Code is readable and understandable by humans, even by non-programmers

Hands On: Blink a LED

  • Build an LED circuit on your breadboard to blink using the Arduino
  • Connect the circuit to the headers on the Arduino board
  • Upload the "Blink" example sketch from the Arduino IDE

Sample LED Circuit Layout

Picture of a breadboard with the Blinky circuit Parts Needed:
  • 1 Red LED
  • 1 220Ω Resistor

Connecting to the Arduino

Picture of the Blinky breadboard connected to an Arduino

Loading the Blink Sketch

Picture showing loading the Blink sketch from the File/Examples/Basic menu of the Arduino IDE

Upoading the Blink Sketch

Picture showing the Upload button in the Arduino IDE


  • What is a microprocessor?
  • What's so great about the Arduino?
    • History of the Arduino
    • Overview of the Arduino hardware
    • Overview of the Arduino IDE
    • Overview of Arduino programming
  • Hands on: Oooh, Blinky!
  • Next Steps: Basic Circuit Theory

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